Celebrating our Neighborhood Partnership Grant! - Elevate Northland

Celebrating our Neighborhood Partnership Grant!

16th Annual Golf Outing August 22
July 18, 2019
First Advisory Board Meeting
Advisory Holds First Meeting
November 5, 2019
16th Annual Golf Outing August 22
July 18, 2019
First Advisory Board Meeting
Advisory Holds First Meeting
November 5, 2019

Celebrating our Neighborhood Partnership Grant!

Lesa, Lauren and Alicia at the Neighborhood Partnership Grant Celebration

Lesa Brugger (board member), Lauren Muchewicz (Business Academy Coordinator), and Alicia Ward (co-founder)

Elevate Northland was proud to join in the celebration of organizations who were awarded Neighborhood Partnership Grants in Columbus! The grant provided funding for a part-time worker Lauren (pictured) who is coordinating our Business Academy, as well as supplies for creating, promoting and supporting classes through the Elevate Northland Business Academy.

Through the Academy, we bring valuable education to entrepreneurs in Northland, including SCORE workshops, Columbus Metropolitan Library resources, and classes from independent presenters such as a banks and attorneys. These classes help our local businesses access low-cost and convenient educational opportunities to make their businesses thrive!


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